

  • Excellence on Customer Service
    Focus on delighting the customer.
  • Dedicated Work Force
    Competent work force with diversified skills and abilities.
  • Integrity
    Maintaining Fairness in all Interactions.
  • Novel Technology
    Use of New Technology in manufacturing and work process.
  • Being Cooperative Social Responsible
    Handling CSR projects for the betterment of the society.
  • On Time Service
    Delivering the product on a timely basis
  • Respect
    Respect all cultures.
  • Offering Competitive Prices
    Meeting the Customer demand through competitive prices.
  • Utilizing Home Grown Resources
    Contributing to the Gross Domestic Production by utilizing national resources
  • Guiding and Caring of the Staff
    The Staff being fulfilled with their basic needs and wants.
  • Household Satisfaction
    Meeting the end consumer perceptions.

Edinborough began in 1973 when visionary entrepreneur Mr. C.M.M.R. Pasha who is having a Indian Origin started making cordials at home for a very limited market. Yet he did start the business with a clear vision. With the initial success, he periodically introduced Soya sauce, Tomato sauce, Jams, Chutneys to the local market. In a short period of time it reached to the consumer as "Edinborough Products".

Since the introduction of a variety of cordials under the Edinborough brand, we have been manufacturing and marketing a range of quality food products to the Sri Lankan market with time to time improvements and gained considerable market growth in a short time period. Edinborough range includes sauces, chutneys, pickles, jams, cordials, fruit drinks, concentrate Juices, Syrups, oil, Bottled drinking water, Chillie paste, Kithul treacle, Mustard cream, Ginger preserve and Powdered products such as Custard powder, Cornflour, Icing sugar, Gelatin, Jelly crystals, Iodized salt, Mixed spices & Pudding mix etc. Edinborough has introduced its own brands namely Pasha, Sunfresh, Chefmate, , & Happy Maid.

In addition to that we have sole distributorship in Sri Lanka for world renowned brand such as Mity brand Canned Food Products, Farmer, Star & Crown Pakistani Basmati rice, Delmonte Canned Fruits and Vegetable, Figaro Olive based Product, Cyprina Fruit Juice, Lutosa French Fries, TCB Tuna, Campioni Italian Pasta, Penguine frozen natural foods, Camel , Hahne, Kaset etc have become the market leader in Food service sector.

Our brands of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and branded food products stand for reliability, quality, nutritious and consumer satisfaction. We have established a comprehensive distribution network across Sri Lanka which includes Star Class Hotels, Restaurants, Bakeries, Caterers, Supermarkets, Cafes, Resorts, Ship Chandlers, Air Lines & General Trade.

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